KAMPALA — Mr. Dusman Okee the immediate former Federation of Motorsports Clubs of Uganda (FMU) is wanted over accountability mismatch during his tenure.
Mr. Okee has been summoned to appear before the FMU annual General Assembly scheduled for February 6 at Lugogo to explain the financial accounts for which an AGM had been planned but postponed due to coronavirus lockdown.
Mr. Irene Blick FMU’s General Secretary in a letter dated January 6 2021, notified Mr. Okee of the upcoming AGM and said the former FMU boss will be an active participant.
“FMU is holding its Annual General Meeting on the 6th of February.
On the Agenda is
presentation of 2019 financial accounts for which an EGM had been planned in March
2020 but due Covid19 Lockdown was cancelled,” Mr. Blick wrote.
He added: “This is to inform you that this part of the Agenda is yours to present. The AGM will be held at Lugogo, 10:00am”.
Early last year, former rally ace Dipu Ruparelia was elected new president of the Federation of the FMU with 36 votes— beating Mr. Okee who only managed 14 votes.
During his tenure, Mr. Okee was accused of mismanagement and failure to call up executive meetings and management meetings to discuss federation affairs and selling all circuits to third parties.
He was also accused of failure to secure funding from the government.