KAMPALA —Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has released the
Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results — stating concern about students performance in science courses including Chemistry, Biology and Geography.
“There is an overall improvement in performance in the large entry subjects except in Geography, Chemistry and Biology, although Biology showed a slight
improvement at the Distinction 2 level”, he said.
Odongo pointed out that more students still find difficulty in handling the apparatus during practical tests as well as marking and recording observations among other challenges.
He added that candidates showed poor mathematical skills required in calculations, inability to write the correct symbols of elements, formulae of compounds and equations, among others.
He also said some candidates merely forged figures of experimental results in the practical papers.
“Most candidates showed a lack of practical experience as many schools tend to handle practical aspects of the curriculum much later in the course. As a result, students do not develop the necessary skills. This could explain why most malpractice cases are in science practical papers”
“Examiners have reported that the cause of these inadequacies lies in the fact teachers do not integrate the teaching of theory and practices,” said Odongo.