KAMPALA – Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) has reported that out of the 2,615 candidates who sat for the July-August 2023 examinations, 2,106 Candidates successfully acquired all competencies in their respective trades.
The general successful completion rate remained the same at 81% of full competence acquisition as in April/May 2023 assessment series.
This was revealed by Onesmus Oyesigye, Board Executive Secretary during the release of the end-of-programme examination results on Thursday.
He noted that much as they had registered 3,051 candidates for the examinations, 2,615 (86%) turned up while 436 of them were absent in one or more modules.
“The absenteeism is associated with failure by candidates to meet the tuition fees requirements, engagement in the world of work and sometimes sicknesses as had been revealed in the 2019 UBTEB survey findings. Whereas the 14% absenteeism is still high, there is a 21% reduction from the 35% recorded in the April/ May 2023 examination series.”
The candidates who pursued and completed their programmes of study are in the categories of Physical and Biological Science – Diploma & Certificate programmes, Technical & Vocational – Diploma programmes, and Technical – Higher Diploma programmes.
Mr. ES reported that just like in the April/ May 2023 series, the Physical and Biological Sciences Diploma Programmes performed well with an average of 97% acquiring full competence.
“On a special note, I would like to mention that the Board provides for candidates with special needs to sit for examinations and assessments. For this series, the Board registered a total of 9 candidates, 8 of whom sat and passed while one female candidate did not turn up for examinations,” he noted.
Although Mr. Oyesigye commended the examination management teams for their strict vigilance and for minimizing examination malpractice cases, he noted that they registered 55 candidates guilty of malpractice, and he recommended the minister to cancel their examination results for the entire semester.
Oyesigye said that they have continued to train more TVET Assessors and verifiers.
“70 Assessors in August 2023 were trained, expanding the database from 621 Trained Assessors in February, 2023the to 691. With our target of 1000 Assessors, this Capacity Building will continue equipping both the Instructors and selected members from world of work with adequate delivery mechanisms and assessment skills as the Board transforms fully to modular assessment.”
“The Board has continued to heed to the guidelines in the TVET Policy 2019 and National Development Plan (NDP III), by modularizing the assessment for the Uganda Community Polytechnic Certificate and National certificate programmes,” he added.
He said that the conduct of practical on-spot assessments has remained costly to both the Board and the Training Institutions – calling for more funding for enhanced hands-on training and assessment for better skills acquisition.
He decried the reluctance by some organisations to offer Industrial attachment places to trainees which delays the completion rates.
“Equipment like computers in institutions, and high cost of internet connectivity services still remain a challenge to most institutions which affects the smooth conduct of examinations.”
The Board also decried inadequate funding to train and retool Instructors/Lecturers on the TVET reforms especially on modularised assessment.
- I request that the Board’s Budget be increased to support the implementation of TVET reforms as enshrined in the TVET Policy 2019.
- Institutions and relevant agencies need to be supported for timely review of the different curricula in order to align them to demands of the world of work.
- The Training Institutions, Monitoring and Standard Agencies be encouraged to ensure that training and assessment syllabus is completed in good time.
- There is strong need by the Government and Development Partners to support the Public and Private training providers with ICT Equipment in order to match with the Digital World.
- All stakeholders especially the industry and Private Sector are called upon to play a role in the training of TVET graduates through offering industrial field attachments.
- There is need for Policy guidance on field attachment. A framework could be developed where Government can engage the industries to derive a mechanism of subsidizing their inputs in return for zero-cost Industrial Training/Attachment.
- There is also need to discuss more flexible modalities to allow diploma trainees to go for field attachment at different times to avoid congestion and fusion with University Undergraduate Trainees in Industrial sites at the same period.
First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports – Janet Museveni commended the Board for continuously ensuring that the examination results are released on time.
“This release is a key deliverable for the Board and contributes to the fulfilment of targets enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goal 4, the National Development Plan III, and the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) policy 2019.”
“The Board’s successful implementation and roll out of modular assessment is among the remarkable achievements we are celebrating today. This will enhance access to demand driven TVET delivery and assessment for employable skills.”
Represented by John Chrysestom Muyingo – State Minister for Higher Education, Mrs Museveni noted that the Government has focused on Manufacturing, Construction, Information Communication Technology and Hospitality among others as key pillars for economic growth and development with emphasis on industrialization and value addition.
“For the realization of this dream, the production of competent and skilled Artisans and Technicians remains critical. The delivery of quality TVET will therefore remain among the Ministry’s key priorities for both the short and long term.”
She revealed that over the last four years, Uganda has participated in the World Skills competitions and Africa Regional Skills Competitions and that the prizes the country has brought home are a clear indication of the potential that the young people possess.
Her government, she said is implementing many positive reforms including decentralization of admissions for TVET trainees to the regional level in order to increase accessibility and promote equity among youth in TVET.
“The Government has also provided for affirmative action through scholarships in TVET for persons with special needs and girls. I am glad that UBTEB has provided a conducive environment for them to be assessed effectively through the provision of qualified support personnel where needed.”
Mrs Museveni was impressed by the ever-increasing number of trainees enrolling for TVET programmes at various levels – commending the public for embracing TVET for all.
“I am happy to note the ever-increasing number of female trainees in TVET evidenced by 513 females successfully completing their skills undertakings.”
She accepted the cancellation of the results of 55 candidates who involved in examination malpractices.