KAMPALA – The Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) and the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE) on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to provide a framework for cooperation and collaboration between the two Partners for the purpose of synergizing to enhance the learning experience of UBTEB graduates through competency-based learning and assessment, and professional quality of diploma and certificate graduates.
Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye – UBTEB Executive Secretary appreciated the achievement after a decade of the Board’s operations in assessment processes.
“With UIPE, the Board is blessed with professional development, research, shared vision, set standards, the voice for the engineering profession and advice from the professional body.”
In the MOU, the two parties agreed on;
- Regular review of industrial attachment and real life project assessment
- Regular monitoring of TVET assessment in institutions
- Development of certification criteria of technician assessment and standards practice
- Joint enforcement of the code of practice in the engineering profession
- Joint policy advocacy for the regulation of technician practice occupations
- Promotion of professional training and assessment for engineering competitiveness
- Contribution to curriculum design development reviews for artisans, technicians engineering trades
- Collaboration for research and competitiveness
- Join resource mobilization for programme intervention and professional skill development.
- Customizing TVET graduates access progression and practice in the engineering fields
- Enabling TVET graduate association and networking
- Deepening TVET trainee low-cost industrial-based attachment
- Any other collaboration agreeable within the mandate of the two institutions
Oyesigye commended the UIPE President, the Solicitor General and his technical staff for the energy, technical and legal input into this partnership and MOU.
“I promise to the world that your effort shall not be in vain.”
UBTEB is an examinations board established under section 26 (l) (c) of the Business, Technical, Vocational Education Training Act, 2008 and by Section I No. 09 of 2009 to streamline, regulate and coordinate examinations and awards in the business and technical profession in Uganda. The Board recognizes that engaging professional development institutions in finding solutions to the unemployment problem is a vital component in helping to increase employment opportunities for Uganda’s youth and especially BTVET Graduates.
Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE) is an independent membership services organization that brings together the engineering fraternity in Uganda having been established as an association of professional engineers of Uganda in 1972 and having succeeded the defunct East Africa Association of Engineers, which was established on January 19, 1945, and dissolved in 1972 into separate associations for the different East African countries. UIPE is governed by a constitution registered with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau.
UIPE was formed to promote the general advancement of the science and practice of engineering and its applications and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas amongst its members. The institution also has a responsibility to the public to ensure adherence to professional standards, ethics, and engineering best practices by its members in the provision of engineering products and services. As such, UIPE is expected to provide leadership and direction in all policies and matters of public interest that are of an engineering nature.