KAMPALA – The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has congratulated the all-new female leadership of the Uganda Law Society (ULS), a body uniting advocates in the country, upon being elected into office urging them to be impactful and deliver above their responsibilities.
The Speaker said female lawyers have come a long way in as far as being recognized in the legal profession. This, she added, is a result of a lot of work in the female movement.
“This is a big test of your capacity as women in leadership and judgment will be harsh on you. You need to do better than the previous leadership and make an impact,” Kadaga said.
Kadaga said when she had become Speaker, she pushed for the amendment of the Rules of Procedure of Parliament to cater to at least 40 percent of female chairpersons of the parliamentary committees.
“I have pushed for compliance of gender equity across the board from government commissions to all other government institutions among other things,” she added.
The Speaker said this while officiating at the Uganda Women Law Society Luncheon on Saturday, 17 October 2020 at Skyz Hotel, Kampala.
Charlotte Nalumansi, the Chairperson of the Female Lawyers Committee said the event was to celebrate the first all-women executive council of ULS in over 60 years. The event was based on the theme, ‘Breaking barriers’.
The Chairperson of the Uganda Association of Women Lawyers, Lady Justice Henrietta Wolayo said that some of the barriers preventing women from taking up leadership positions are society inflicted. He cited having to choose between raising a family or chasing a career, low self-confidence, and their fear to take up risks.
“These barriers should be broken and this team of women should act as role models. This is the time for women to take up their place in leadership and make an impact in the law society,” She added.
Pheona Nabasa Wall, the new President of Uganda Law Society said that ‘this is a monumental event because of the presence of the Speaker who is responsible, among others, for the struggle of gender equity in the country.
“Kadaga’s stewardship has seen Uganda have the most gender-sensitive Constitution in the world and it is against this backdrop that women should keep breaking these boundaries,” she said.
Phoena Wall added that they will uphold values of being faithful, responsible, and approachable by all stakeholders.
The other members of the executive of ULS include President, the Vice President, Diana Angwech; Secretary, Rita Namakiika, and Treasurer; Shane Musanase Mugenga.