KAMPALA – The Principal Judge, Dr. Flavian Zeija, on Tuesday paid a courtesy call on the Katikiiro Charles Peter Mayiga at his Masengere offices at Bulange, Mengo.
The purpose of the visit was to mainly discuss the dilemmas courthouses in the central region face since Buganda is Judiciary’s biggest landlord.
Courthouses such as Mengo CM/Rubaga-Nateete Court, Kasangati, Kakiri and Kira, are housed in premises owned by Buganda Kingdom, but have issues ranging from poor plumbing and lack of water supply to dilapidated buildings.
The PJ said some of the courts are in need of urgent refurbishment as some require plumbing works to restore water supply. The PJ pondered whether it was possible for the Judiciary to rehabilitate the buildings, funds permitting.
The Katikiiro said the Kingdom properties are managed by Namulondo Investment Limited, adding that he would consult the company on the way forward in regard to the issues at courthouses, especially for Mengo Chief Magistrates Court.
He, however, welcomed Judiciary’s idea of rehabilitating the courthouses if funds are available. He said a list should be generated of courthouses that are sitting on Kingdom land and the conditions at each court to guide them on what ought to be done.
Katikiiro Mayiga thanked the PJ for the initiative saying it was important to formalize the longterm relationship. He also wished the PJ well on his new task.
The Principal Judge was accompanied by the Assistant Inspector of Courts/ PRO, Jamson Karemani.