KYOTERA – One of the two Ugandans who tested positive for coronavirus on Monday is a police officer from Kyotera District, PML Daily has established.
This brings to two the number of men in uniform found with the deadly virus in a space of three days.
Days after a police officer from Masindi in Bunyoro sub region tested positive, another officer who works at Mutukula border post police in Kyotera district was found to be carrying the virus through the ongoing rapid risk assessment survey in selected areas.
The Director of Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, Dr Nathan Onyachi, confirmed the case.
He said that the female police officer could have contracted the virus during contact with truck drivers at the border.
Dr Onyachi explained that they are going to trace her family so that they can be subjected to mandatory 14 days quarantine and test them for the virus.
Mr Mark Jjuko, the officer in charge if Masaka hospital coronavirus treatment centre, said the victim has since been quarantined.
Masaka regional police commander Enoch Abaine said that they have re-enforced the station with more security personnel since the station handles the border and the effects of the porous border.
“ The good thing all the 14 officers at the station were tested and it was only her that tested positive. so we have been advised by the health team to have the 13 officers do self-isolation before they will be subjected to another test after 14 days,” he added.