KAMPALA – Police in Busoga East has charged Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Masinde Yaser Okot, the Regional ICT maintenance officer, with discreditable conduct, a case punishable with dismissal once convicted.
Police spokesperson Fred Enanga said ASP Okot whose photos leaked on social media on the weekend became a nuisance.
Addressing journalists on at police headquarters in Naguru, Enanga said ASP Okot is on medication but also continues to drink irresponsibly, despite several attempts to seek treatment for alcohol abuse and exploring healthy ways of living.
“After that incident, the officer went back to his village and started drinking in uniform, he became a nuisance,” Enanga said.
“We understand in order to maintain the public’s trust; we need to be transparent with our actions. We take our responsibility to the public, seriously and will continue holding our members who choose to act wrongly, accountable for their actions,” Enanga added.
Don Mugarura, whose profile information on Twitter shows he is a Science teacher and a businessman wondered whether police have cared to address the reasons why he drinks.
He says addictions often have their causes in the conditions around his work and life and that addressing them helps with substance abuse