MASAKA — Herbert street, one of the popular and busy business points in Masaka Municipality was in the night rocked by a massive fire that destroyed two giant buildings.
Jude Mbabaali, the Masaka District chairperson said the fire was reported late after all the traders and shop operators had departed the affected buildings.
“A fire incident has just occurred at Hobert Street, Masaka and merchandise in shops plus property worth billions destroyed,” he said.
Mbabaali said no one was hurt in the blaze, but massive property worthy billions of shillings lost.
“We are extremely grateful to God that there have been no human fatalities or casualties,” he added.
He said that while parts of the buildings have been damaged by the fire, the swift response of the Police Fire Unit and district staff whom he claim to have alerted at short notice in the middle of the night to respond to the incident with the District Water Bowser after the one of Police had run out of water, contributed to the swift containment and extinguishing of the fire.
“We commend the Police Fire Unit at Masaka and our staff and thank them for the timely and invaluable service they have rendered,” he added.
In total there were two big structures lost and all of them were business hubs.
Bonifance Kiiza, a journalist with Sunrise newspaper in phone interview said seeing the buildings destroyed was emotional for some people.
Bonifance said the fire ripped through the street on Sunday night leaving twisted metal and gutted buildings behind.
Fire investigators are trying to figure out what caused the fire and watching the hot spots.