KAMPALA — Parliament’s Director for Clerks Mr. Emmanuel Bakwega told the Inspector General of Government (IGG) investigators that he used UGX 51 million meant for training in the UK to attend to the East Africa Legislative Assembly, Arusha affairs.
However, a report by the IGG Irene Mulyagonja found 7 parliamentary staff including two directors liable for action.
The IGG in her August 08 letter addressed to Clerk to Parliament, Jane Kibirige indicted Emmanuel Bakwega, Director of Clerks, Parliament and Paul Wabwire, Deputy Clerk, Parliamentary Affairs for receiving UGX100m as facilitation for a training in Kigali and UK between December 2015 and June 2016, “but did not attend the trainings.”
The report observed that the two staff were advanced the money to attend a seminar, “Beyond Aid: Innovative Governance, Financing and Partnership for post 2015 Agenda” at Wilton Park in June 2016 but the duo failed to produce evidence of attending the said seminar.
It is understood that Mr. Bakwega used the vote money to attend the East Africa Legislative Assembly seminar in Arusha.
While the IGG acknowledges that EALA Clerk Madete, confirmed that Mr. Bakwega attended the Arusha meeting, the report went ahead to inside him.
Sources at Parliament say that Mr. Bakwega, is a victim of a longstanding witch hunt by powers at Parliament after he was in 2010, blocked from becoming the Clerk to Parliament.
President Museveni later appointed Ms. Jane Kibirige, as a compromise candidate.
In the latest report, the IGG has tasked the Clerk to Parliament to ensure that the duo; Mr. Wabwire and Mr. Bakwega refund UGX48,139,600 and UGX51,095,600 respectively within a period of 3months and also ordered that they face the Parliamentary Commission for disciplinary action for receiving funds to attend a training abroad, which they did not attend.
Mr Bakwega will take his case to the Commission.