KAMPALA: Mwanga II Grade One Magistrate, Julius Mwesigye on Monday issued criminal summons against Herbert Solomon Kaddu the man accused of attacking Namirembe Diocese Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira.
Kaddu was expected in court for his trial to kick off, but did not show up.
Prosecution had lined up three witnesses to testify against Kaddu who was on May 14, 2018 released on bail after he pleaded to court that his health cannot survive prison conditions.
On Monday, Kaddu’s uncle and one of his 3 suritues Emmanuel Nsobya Ssekayi informed the magistrate that Kaddu is admitted at Butabika Hospital.
However, Mr Mwesigye refuted the claims demanding for a letter to prove Kaddu was admitted.
The Magistrate has ordered that Nsobya produces Kaddu on June 13th with proof from Butabiika mental hospital.
Kaddu was charged with three offences of threatening Bishop Luwalira and Rev Canon Kityo and disturbing a religious assembly.