Hussein Kyanjo is the former Makindye West legislator (PHOTO/File)
KAMPALA – Dear brothers and sisters I greet you in the name of the Almighty.
Am happy and sad; happy because my current healthy condition is fairly good, sad because the world is experiencing the deadly corona virus.
As you all know we have been locked in political battles for long and this is not likely to end tomorrow my appeal is that at the moment no one is sure of when and how the story of corona virus is likely to end it is therefore important to take a common front to fight it and the best way is to trust at least for now the govt. and most specifically the president .
We must listen deligently to the guidlines by health and economic exparts as well as directives by the president. This is not time to settle political scores and i hope no political grouping will claim victory in case we all win.
Each of us who claims a given following be it a family unit must call on it to rally behind the president and am saying this because i think there are few moments where the president has ever acted with utmost honesty like now.
Obviously there are a number of areas where govt and the president can act in strategic or tactical error during the fight and therefore call for wise counsel let it be done politely and genuinly and on the other side let the president and his professional teams avoide over emphasis of NRM/NRA as some of us also restrain our selves from turning this war into an opposition business.
We have all heard the sad story of Italy and Spain where registered deaths are becoming astronomical. There could have been errors by the govts overe there but right now no body is blaming the other they are mutually advising each other.
The president and indeed some of us who have have been visiting hospitals abroad are finally here for treatment and thats why i said all of us must be acting with honesty and good faith.
Lastly let me emphasise that the president is currently the driver of our van and disrupting his attention can cause a fetal accident.
For the first time in cencuries the Kaaba at Makka and the grand mosque of the prophet in Madina are closed to crowds while St. Peters in Rome is empty. We have no superior theological arguments to advance for a local mosque and church being closed.
In God we all trust.
Hussein Kyanjo is the former Makindye West member of parliament.