KAMPALA – Kampala International University (KIU) has been listed among the top three universities in Uganda, according to the July 2020 Ranking Web, Webometrics, the largest academic ranking of higher education institutions in the world.
According to the rankings released late this month, Kampala International University is also the best private university in Uganda after beating Uganda Christian University (UCU) and Uganda Martyrs University.
The varsity’s only rivals are public institutions; Makerere University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Kampala International University’s Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mouhamad Mpezamihigo, says the ranking is proof of significant quality enhancements and great innovation in the delivery of university education.
“KIU is always very innovative in the way it explores the heights. Even in difficult times such as is the case with this season of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have kept afloat and applied various digital technologies to continue serving our clients, the students being the most critical,” Dr. Mouhamad Mpezamihigo says.
He adds: “I thank all our staff and students plus the immense support we derive from government, non-government organizations and other partners and collaborators with whose support we were able to achieve this great landmark in the history of the University. Keep waiting for more is yet to come, the sky is not even the limit for KIU”.
Webometrics combines Research and Web indicators as the metrics in the ranking.
KIU emerged second to Makarere in the Impact of Research contents. The global ranking shows that KIU moved 1343 places upward from 4719th in January 2020 to 3376th position in July 2020 globally.
Webometrics is a ranking system for the world’s universities based on the volume of the web content, visibility, and the impact of web publications. The ranking is published by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) located in Madrid, Spain, and recognized globally.
Top six universities in Uganda
- Makerere University (Public University)
- Mbarara University of Science and Technology
- Kampala International University
- Kyambogo University
- ISBAT University
- Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services