KAMPALA – The Ambassador of France to Uganda, Jules-Armand Aniambossou on Tuesday, launched the 4th edition of Kampala Geopolitics conference 2021 at Makerere University, Kampala.
The three-day academic event will be dedicated to discussing current geopolitical questions and trends including vaccination, pan Africanism, climate change, sports and the Olympics, trade, human rights, gender equality, migration and Astro-politics among others.
For the past years, Kampala Geopolitics Conference has brought together leaders and policy experts from the East African region, France, Germany and other countries to engage in participatory and documented debates whose main purpose is stimulating dialogue of a global nature.
During the launch, Ambassador Aniambossou said the embassy will further address three issues of particular importance including sport as a soft power tool, the development of a new African-European Union relationship within the framework of the post-Cotonou agreement signed last April and a new format of distribution through Twitter space.
He noted that the use of Twitter space aims to promote local and international involvement of the public. “We hope that this solution will enable a better inclusion of the youth, to incite them to think and engage,” he added.
The Deputy Representative of United Nations Women, Adekemi Ndieli noted that there’s a need to leverage young people to look for strategies to address the post-Covid-19 issues one being gender-based violence, poverty, early pregnancies that have escalated during the pandemic.
She noted that we all have similar issues that concern us but now more than ever, it’s our time to pull together to fight Covid-19 impacts.
“We need to see Covid-19 as a stepping stone. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity,” she added.
Country Representative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Uganda and South Sudan, Anna Reismann also noted that the pandemic, which is a major issue, has challenged everyone in different ways but we must find opportunities in the crisis.
To address all these geopolitical issues including climate change among others, the conference will be of hybrid format, both physical sessions slated to take place from November 10 till November 12 at Makerere University Auditorium and virtually on Twitter spaces. This is intended to discuss all these issues in detail with equal and full participation of the youth and both local and international community.