KAMPALA – The government has revealed that this year’s exams are being conducted under a new UNEB act that was passed last month.
Minister for ICT Judith Nabakooba said on Sunday that this time, all those who neglect their duty in reporting or preventing malpractices will also be arrested and charged in the courts of law.
“Punishment for offenses under exam malpractices have been increased from six months imprisonment to five years,” she told the press.
“This might also include a fine of five million shillings or both -the fine and imprisonment. This should therefore act as a serious warning to those who intend to get involved in any form of malpractices,” she added.
Like in the previous sittings, all candidates with special needs have been given extra support to enable them do their exams. Candidates with advanced pregnancies as well as breast feeding mothers have also been given an extra 45 minutes.
Regarding COVID -19 vaccination, Nabakooba said that the government has increased the bracket of those eligible for vaccination.
Previously it was senior citizens who are 70 years and above but now it has been brought down to 50 years and above.
“Also, all individuals between 18 years and 50 years with underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, liver, heart or kidney issues are now eligible for vaccination.”
“I therefore want to remind all those inthe above categories to report to the nearest health center for their first dose of the vaccine. The Ministry of Health has continued to assure us that the vaccine if safe,” she urged.
According to the Ministry of Health, about one hundred forty-four thousand, twenty-five (144,025) people had so far been vaccinated as of the 8th of April, 2021.
However, she reminded that the vaccine may not stop one from getting COVID-19 but it reduces the harshness of the disease in case you get it.
“Therefore, I call upon every member of the public to do their part by supporting all eligible persons to go for vaccination. Let us support those with fears about the vaccine by directing them to expert health practitioners for guidance and counseling. The vaccine is our hope towards ending the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also help us to resumeall thosesectors that are still restricted.”