KAMPALA – The Inspectorate General of Government (IGG) has called for the fast tracking of the amendment of the Leadership Code Act.
The Deputy IGG George Bamugemereire who presented the 2019/2020 bi-annual report to the Speaker Rebecca Kadaga said that the Leadership Code Act needed to be amended to close the gaps in the standard behavior and conduct of public servants.
“The weaknesses in the Leadership Code Act should be amended so as to be able to enforce the law. For example, the informal and undocumented transactions continue to make leader’s incomes, liabilities and assets difficult to trace and prove,” Bamugemereire said.
He added that the current law was silent on punishment if public officers were found in misconduct.
“Ideally, the Leadership Tribunal should be able to deal with such conduct issues but currently this is not possible because the Act is silent about the tribunal,” he said.
According to Article 231 of the 1995 Constitution, the IGG is required to submit to Parliament at least once every six months, a report on the performance of its functions and make recommendations for efficient performance of public institutions.
Bamugemereire said that they had partnered with state and none-state agencies to reduce the misuse of project resources as well as eliminate fraud and corruption in the delivery of government programs.
“We are working with both and local and international partners on the strength and specialty of each institution which has improved on the quality of the investigations and engagements. Currently, we are investigating the Democratic Governance Facility and the synergies will help us to work together,” he said.
He implored the Speaker to consider senior citizens who have often been tossed around when they need their pension after retirement.
Kadaga said that a pension and retirement plan was indeed necessary because even Members of Parliament were part of the Ugandans who cannot be employed due to their status.
“Pension is indeed an issue and I have seen several senior citizens who move from the villages looking for their pensions. We need an agency that will watch what is happening,” said the Speaker.