KAMPALA – The Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, Frank Tumwebaze is the latest target for online trolls against the ruling NRM proponents including pro-Museveni ministers.
Mr. Tumwebaze, also MP for Kibaale and returning to Parliament un-opposed for the 2021-2026 term is indeed of the most vocal ministers who is bold and can speak convicingly and eloquently about NRM and Museveni’s achievements.
The former ICT minister has never scored bellow 82% in his constituency in all the last consecutive elections he has gone thru.
He is always a target of both opposition activists who see him as a Museveni’s dismantling gun and also targeted by intetnal intrigue of his fellow colleagues in government for outshinning them.
Last year, ISO targeted him and wrote fake dossiers to his boss Museveni about him linking him to Rwanda but finally the President discovered that the dossiers were fake and only driven by intrigue.
When a new reshuffle is anticipated, Mr. Tumwebaze is always suspected of getting promoted or getting reshuffled to a big and busier ministry because of his ability to make decisions. Even when he left the ministry of ICT, the president still gives him ICT related tasks .
For example last year in December, the president tasked him to represent him at a virtual meeting of SMART Africa hosted online by President Kagame. The meeting was hosted by heads of government and Prime Ministers.
Mr. Tumwebaze performed excellently well. This definitely wasn’t good news to Tumwebaze’s envious haters. It either signalled him returning to the powerful ministry of ICT or being elevated to Prime Minister.
There has also been talk that he may be the next Foreign Affairs Minister.
Tumwebaze kids have not asked for any visa from US embassy as is being vended by trolls online. His kids studied and some still study at Kampala Parents and other Uganda schools.