KAMPALA – Kiryandongo Woman MP Helen Kahunde has slammed the Health ministry for leaking her COVID-19 test results to the media, questioning where the confidentially clause still exists in the medical profession.
On Wednesday, several online outlets were awash with reports that MP Kahunde had tested positive for COVID-19 after reportedly interacting with some of her relatives who are in quarantine after recently returning from abroad.
While the legislator does not dispute the fact that she tested positive for the virus, she wondered how the public got to know about it, insisting that the leakage must be politically motivated.
“I called Dr. Henry Kyobe who is the one in charge of the results and I was wondering how everyone now knows my result and yet personally I have not got my results. At least they would first give me my results saying based on the tests of the results, this is what we have got, but I don’t even have it in my hand, and they told me the results are not out,” Kahunde is quoted as saying in an interview with Uganda Radio Network.
The legislator added that for the whole of Wednesday, she was overwhelmed by a number of calls who were asking if she was ok. She wondered whether those who leaked the information are fighting her politically.
Kahunde also revealed that the health officials told her the Tuesday test was not conclusive and that she had another confirmatory test on Wednesday, results of which she had not yet received.
She also told Uganda Radio Network that she is however not worried if she is positive saying all will be well.
“Coronavirus is not like HIV/Aids, were people will think badly about you, but it is a virus anyone can get, so even if I were to turn out positive, I am still young and people are recovering. So I am not worried at all, let people think what they want to think,” she said.
Health officials were not immediately available to respond to the legislator’s calls.