KAMPALA – The Secretary to the Treasury, Keith Muhakanizi has said the Ministry of Finance is committed to have more engagements with Civil society organisations and the Media to strengthen budget transparency and accountability.
Muhakanizi made the remarks at a training workshop for Civil society organisations and the Media aimed at strengthening budget transparency and accountability on Friday, February 21 at Fairway Hotel in Kampala.
The training is intended to enhance accessibility to budget information for increased budget transparency and improved service delivery.
The PS/ST said the government has undertaken a number of budgetary and financial reforms to ensure greater predictability, transparency and accountability in the management of public funds through strengthening internal controls, improving cash management, better commitment and expenditure controls as well as efficient and timely transaction processing.

The Director Budget, Kenneth Mugambe said budget transparency and accountability reduces the likelihood of corruption and also empowers citizens to access information which they can use to hold the executive accountable for the budgetary decisions made.
Mugambe said the resource envelope is determined by the Ministry of Finance in consultation with Uganda Revenue Authority and Bank of Uganda following critical analysis of domestic revenue trend, trend in public expenditures, macroeconomic conditions and negotiations with Development Partners.