KAMPALA – President Emmanuel Macron of France is 41, his wife 66. Many argue that he must be unhappy because of the huge age difference where the man is younger and not older is the norm.
Women will, on the other hand, crave happiness and comfort.
Some indeed engage in different relationships to find a perfect match.
Many will go for a man older than them because society expects women to do that, however, some women get into relationships with younger men for different reasons.
First and foremost, time is not kind to anyone, with wrinkles and beer bellies which come with ageing people lose attraction for their spouses.
This may drive a woman to get herself a younger man if she feels that men of her age are not attractive anymore.
Stella Nabirye, a resident of Abaita Ababiri Town Council along Entebbe road says that having a younger man for a partner is so comforting and relaxing.
According to Nabirye, men of her age are boring and lack sensation.
“I get a lot of fun with my boyfriend because he makes me feel like a woman,” she confesses while laughing and clapping.
“I ended my marriage three months back and it is because my old husband was not fulfilling sexually,” she adds.
Asked if she started a relationship while still married, Nabirye says he was bait because she wanted comfort.
“With time, my marriage was a mess. It was boring and I felt lonely, so I had no other choice but to get a young man. Indeed all these years, Allan has been the best thing that has ever happened in my life.
He gives me the care and love that I always needed,” Nabirye says with a smile and her eyes closed.
Other women simply want better sex, which they believe older man cannot give.
Nabirye says her younger man gives her sexual satisfaction which drives her crazy and makes her need him more.
A woman in Entebbe that did not want to be named said younger men are always available unlike some boring husbands who are always focusing on work.
She further added that young men make women feel young and refreshed.
She said young men are usually smart, they are good looking and quite submissive.
As I am taking my notes, another interjects saying, “being with an older man is so inconveniencing, because the woman is not free to make decisions”.
She says although one has to finance the relationship, it is better to be with a younger man and enjoy his services, rather than staying in a boring relationship or marriage.
“We love to get a cheering partner and that is what these young men offer to draw our attention,” another shouted out.
The young men in such relationships have their reasons too.
Ambrose, a boda boda rider at Kawuku Stage, who is about 25 years old said, “I have ever been in a relationship with a woman older than me. She was about 45 years old, and I really liked the relationship,” he says with a giggle.
“She lifted off the weight of imposing demands, which young girls place on us. My job was to just comfort her. You may choose to call or text once a day,” He says and gives off a hearty laugh.
Ambrose’s friend operating a Mobile Money kiosk nearby, said old women know what they want unlike the young ones who are still exploring the dating world.
“Old women are less inclined to playing games and are more willing to go for what they desire,” he said.
Another boda boda rider said older women are more experienced in dating, relationships and best of all in the bedroom. In addition, dating women older than one, gives him an opportunity to grow.
The young man said older women handle the ups and downs of a relationship and he does not mind the woman taking charge of the relationship as long as her behaviour does not come across as annoying or nagging.
Irene Kirabira, a counsellor at Jinja Medical Clinic in Jinja, said, “most of these women love to arouse their sexual urge which may not be easy with their spouses and so they tend to switch to younger men to find their groove”.
Kirabira said sometimes women also want to take the lead in relationships which rarely happens in marriage. The woman in such a marriage may decide to have a younger man who will let her be.
She however explains that although such relationship may be ok, most people go into them with ulterior intentions which may include gain of wealth or intention to infect others with disease.