KAMPALA – The Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Ms Amelia Kyambadde has provided a list of certified energy drinks to Parliament following concerns that the market is saturated with adulterated drinks.
On August 20, Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga tasked the minister to produce the list after Kasambya County MP Gaffa Mbwatekamwa raised a matter of national importance claiming that there are several energy drinks on the market which could result in health risks because there is limited regulation.
On Wednesday, Ms Kyambadde presented the list of energy drinks before Parliament. The list of the nine certified energy drinks include among others; Power Play made by Century Bottling Ltd, Riham Rock Boom and Riham X Energy from Harris International Ltd and Crown Beverages Ltd products Sting Gold Rush and Sting Red Rush. Others are; Besi Uganda Ltd’s non-carbonated soft drink – Kirungi Kazi Booster, also Canaan Bulls Energy Drink (Canaan Investments Company Limited) Thunder caffeinated carbonated energy drink manufactured by Kiri Bottling Company Ltd and Yaket by Yaket International Limited.
Mr Mbwatekamwa and Butemba County MP, Pentagon Kamusiime asked the government to ask all those who advertise in the media to warn the public on the effects of the high consumption of energy drinks. Kamusiime said that the ministry of Trade should prevails over Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) in a bid to halt distribution and sale of energy drinks that have not yet been certified.
In response, Ms Kyambadde said that the ministry of trade in conjunction with Uganda National Bureau of Standards- UNBS will sensitise the public on the proper use of the energy drinks.
The minister added that in a move to enforce regulations on the energy drinks, the government plans to close some of the factories that are manufacturing uncertified energy drinks.
Last year, a man developed an erection that lasted up to six hours after consuming an adultered drink, called Natural Power SX Energy Drink. The drink is manufactured in Zambia by Zevin Zambia Limited and imported into the county by Kayson U Limited. The Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia warned people against consuming the energy drink.